
Free International Standard Shipping for all orders. Expedited Delivery and Priority Express Shipping are also available with additional costs.
When your order is shipped from our warehouse, you will receive a Delivery Notification email that will contain a tracking number and a link to the courier's website for the current status of your delivery. Alternatively, you can track packages within My Account.
If your order has not been delivered within the timeframe, kindly contact our Customer Service. Please remember to include your order number within your message as this will help us speed up the search for your order.
For more information, you can visit our Terms and Conditions.
Delivery services are available from Mondays to Fridays excluding Public Holidays.
Delivery Notification
Once your order has been shipped out, you will receive a Delivery Notification email - this email contains the details of your order with the tracking number. You may then track your order through the courier website.
Inspection Upon Delivery
When receiving your order you should first inspect the packaging to ensure that it has not been tampered with in any way. If it does appear to be tampered with, you should refuse delivery.
Late deliveries or dispatch
Watches Of aims to meet all deliveries on the specified time frame but on rare occasions, there is a possibility of delays and/or our shipping capacity could be overstepped. The delays can sometimes be due to custom clearance, courier service, traffic delays, weather conditions, logistics problems and so on. Should this occur, we will do our very best to take immediate action and take responsibility for the situation by contacting the delivery service to locate your parcel and have it delivered to you as soon as possible. Our customer service will keep you updated and please feel free to contact them for any related issues or questions. You may also contact the delivery service with the tracking number provided to you in your Delivery Notification email.
Lost deliveries
There will be rare occasions in all delivery services wherein parcels do not arrive in the agreed timescale or they are lost completely. In the case of lost items, we cannot refund orders or send out a replacement until the delivery is confirmed to be lost. This must be confirmed by the delivery courier themselves, and the time period of which the items can be confirmed lost which will take 14 working days to confirm.
Authorized Dealer
Watches Of is an Official Authorized Dealer for over 30 brands offered at this website.
Watches Of offers a diverse range of brands that are sourced from different parts of the world including but not limited to Japan, USA, UK and European made watches.
All warranty services are provided by the brands. You can reach out to us for more information.